Friday, August 27, 2004

Fluttering FlyBaby

Someone threw a wild party in my apartment yesterday and left the mess for me to clean up! The audacity! It is a good sign that this drives me crazy. The way we lived in Waco, this was the norm (the mess, not the parties!). Since we moved in here, I have made a consistent effort to keep my sink shining and everything put away. Trying to retrain my (our) bad habits. So when I left a mess in the kitchen for myself to find after the latest law school function, I was so disappointed. It's so much easier to KEEP it clean than it is to clean it up! But I dropped the ball yesterday. I spent a good part of the morning making Chippey Cheeseys to take to the function. Then Ava woke up and needed tending to, so I left my mess. Then life happened, as it so often does, and I didn't ever get back around to the kitchen.

My first mistake was not unloading the dishwasher first thing in the morning. That seems to be the key. If the dishwasher is empty, I am becoming more disciplined at putting the dirty dishes immediately into it, thereby curtailing the problem of dishes piling out of the sink and onto the cabinets (and the stove top...and the floor...). In our new home there are two "dish disposals." One is the dishwasher; this is where any dish that can be washed in the dishwasher is to go immediately after rinsing it. The other is a dish pan under the sink; this is where plastics that flip over in the dishwasher and other non-dishwasher items go immediately after rinsing. This means nothing takes up residence in my clean sink until it's time to wash dishes after supper (which either Britt or I do every night now!). Many people would think this is just automatic, but not for us. We have to consciously consider these actions. So when I did not follow my rules yesterday, I left a huge mess in the kitchen (and consequently on the dining table). After the law school function, we came home to a messy kitchen and dining room, and I actually felt a little taken aback. Surprised! ME! To see a mess in my kitchen! That is fantastic! That means I am expecting cleanliness from myself now! The mommy heavens are singing a jubilant "Hallelujah!" for me today!

I owe most of my improvement to the FlyLady and her firm but gentle motivation. If you've never heard of her, let me sing her praises now. One baby step at a time, I am changing my bad habits and making my life more orderly and peaceful. I am ridding my home of CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome). FlyLady is Marla Cilley, who manages a helpful web site and yahoo group for people like me--SHEs (Sidetracked Home Executives). Go to if you are so inclined. It just might change your life. Be forewarned, if you sign up for the service, you will receive a lot of emails. The information contained on the site is also available in Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley. I prefer having a book to use as sort of a manual. I'm no where near FLYing just yet, but I'm getting my nighttime routine down to the point where I feel it in the morning when I slip up! And it's becoming automatic. Next is my morning routine. Baby steps!

Now, speaking of that crazy party mess...I have work to do.


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