Monday, July 12, 2004


I thought I'd share a quote from today's worship guide that moved me:

"Perhaps God's call to me is to live deeper, not farther down the road or closer to some destination 'out there.' Perhaps the journey for me is circular, always moving deeper and deeper into my own life and into the life of the world, finally discovering that in this place, on this holy ground, I am drawn deeper and deeper into God, whom I have been seeking all along."
Judith E. Smith, Weavings

Britt and I have discussed many times the problem of needing to find a place where I "fit." I have never really been in a place in life where I feel like I truly fit (at least until I found DaySpring, where everyone is encouraged to come as they are). In only a couple of years, we will be faced with the tough decision of where to settle after law school...where to plan on putting down roots, so to speak. I guess this quote really captured my attention even though I don't really think in terms of a grand journey or whatever. It told me that maybe I need to use this upcoming major life change to learn how to jump in with both feet and dig deeply into my life as it is while drawing deeper into God. And then maybe we won't have to work so hard to find a place where I "fit" because my satiety will come from within; I will be more comfortable in the depths of who I am and who God is, and it won't matter quite as much where we are.


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