Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Maury Chung

Did you ever wonder if Connie Chung was just a little bit embarrassed to take her husband Maury Povich with her to her office parties back when Maury went the Jerry Springer route? Maybe that's why I haven't heard much talk of Connie in recent years. Maybe she's just a little less respected among news journalists now that Maury is routinely hosting thirteen-year-old girls who lie about how many hundred times they have had sex or the girls who don't know whether Tyrone or NaShawn is her baby's daddy, etc. (There seems to always be a lie detector test now.) After Dr. Phil gets finished "revolutionizing" his guests, he confidently marches off the stage and out through the crowd, collecting his wife who regularly sits in the audience. The few times I've witnessed this, she has said some encouraging comment to him like "Great show today!" At the end of a long day of interviewing soldiers' wives or something serious, does Connie enthusiastically tell Maury "Wow, Hon, that was a great show about cross dressers today!"? Maybe they're not even married anymore, but I'm too lazy to investigate that. It's bad enough that it took up this much time in my thoughts.


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