Friday, December 14, 2007

37 weeks and counting...

(photo taken at 36 weeks)

Well, it's official. The babe has made it to full-term! I could give birth to her at any time, and no one would stop me. I'm already two centimeters dilated, which could stay that way for weeks or it could mean things are heading in the direction of a Christmas surprise. We'll see! Meanwhile, I'm getting bigger by the second. The new sunburst pattern of stretchmarks around my navel suggest that this one is carried far differently than her big sister. My belly literally hangs over onto my lap when I sit. I feel the pressure of this mass plopped down on top of my thighs. It's rather odd, and I don't remember late pregnancy being this way with Ava.

I decided to take the plunge and use cloth diapers this time around. I always felt bad about how many diapers we contributed to the landfill with Ava. That was bad enough. But when I learned about all the horrible chemicals that modern conventional diapers expose babies to 'round the clock for years, I couldn't, in good conscience, use them primarily again. I know it will be an undertaking all my own because I have extremely little support in this endeavor. All the naysayers will be vocal, I'm sure (whether verbally or nonverbally). And it may not go well, but I have to try. Our shipment of itty-bitty cloth diapers arrived yesterday, and I was so excited to see them and touch them and show them all to Ava, who was quite excited herself. But when we began educating Britt on the use of said diapers that evening, I started to feel pretty intimidated by the whole idea because I don't honestly know the first thing about this effort, really. I only know what I've read online and hope it works out well enough. I know that cloth diapering is not hard, but because I feel all the negative vibes coming from everyone else, I am concerned that it won't go smoothly, and not only will I hear about it, I will have invested a lot of money into another failed project. We'll see. In the meantime, it is fun to look at all these super cute, teeny-tiny diapers and imagine my own little bundle in them very soon.

Very soon! Stay tuned...


Blogger Lainey-Paney said...

Good luck with the delivery!
You are soooooooooooooo cute pregnant! My goodness---you don't even look pregnant except for the belly!

good luck w/ the diapers. I wanted to do cloth w/ Gage, but got a lot of negative vibes from others about it...who eventually broke my spirit & made me feel like it would be too much to take. So, I didn't even try.

I've promised that I will at least try it with the next baby! (***so, I'm going to need you to figure out all of the tricks to it, and share those details in the future!)

12/18/2007 3:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I support you!! I used cloth with 3 of mine and it was great! I did have a diaper service, so I guess that was kind of cheating, but it was fabulous! I also have a Christmas baby (December 17th) and we just celebrated Aspen's first birthday! Congrats! We are really excited for you guys!

12/18/2007 9:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I feel sure that you must have a new baby by now! Can we see a picture or two? Hope all is well! Congrats!

1/24/2008 7:39 PM  

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