Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Calgon, take me away!

It's been a "Calgon, take me away!" kind of morning. I feel like my "sniffles" are not allergies, which I was hoping. It's probably a full-blown cold and getting worse every minute. I got up and dressed to the shoes, makeup on as though I were needing to go somewhere important, all in an effort not to sabotage the day with blechiness. I had high hopes, but what little energy I had was sapped by my budding TWO-year-old, and I do mean TWO in every sense of the word. "Good morning, Ava! Oh, your arms are so cold! You got cold sleeping in your short-sleeved pajamas last night. Here let's put on your sweater Aunt Holly made for you to keep you warm until we get you ready for the day after breakfast." "NO! I DON'T WANT TO WEAR IT! DON'T LIKE IT!"

And that was just before breakfast. That's when I still had some energy. And during breakfast we had some exhausting conversations about her wanting some "MORE RAISINS!" I was so glad Britt was home to help diffuse the situation. After breakfast it got worse (and Britt was in the shower).

"Wow, your feet are cold like ice cubes! Let's put some socks on." "NO!"

"You can't wear your pajamas all day...here let's take your shirt off and put this nice long sleeved one on so you won't be cold." "NO, I DON'T WANT IT!"

You get the idea. It took convincing her to try putting her clothes on by herself to even get her to stay in the same room with the clothes. When she finally had enough trying on her own, she would ask for help, and I would put them on her as though the process had never taken the ugly turn in the first place. I was so close to having to let out a big yell just to release the growing stress and frustration in my body, not AT her of course. Just a big generic release. Patience is not my strongest point, even on a good day. But on a day when I feel increasing like I got hit by a truck, it takes all I have to scrape up an ounce of it in my soul to keep me from running outside for a breather. I almost did that too. Thank goodness her late morning "TV time" came shortly after Britt left for school. Grover and Elmo are good babysitters when Mamas are about to lose it.

Remarkably, lunch went great and nap time was well-received as usual...and accompanied by lots of silly kisses to make the day better. Now it's time to rest up for the next round of TWO.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your post seems so familiar...I can relate! I am under the weather currently, as well. I was laughing so hard at you getting dressed and putting your shoes on (flylady) while I sit in my pajamas and write this. The good thing is that I have to go out to the barn and feed the animals and I have to get dressed to do that, so I am usually not in my pajamas ALL day! I have a two year old as well! He absolutely refuses to have anything to do with the potty and he still wants his pacifier, so we have a few things to work on, but luckily he's not as strong willed as Anna is, so that makes it seem like a breeze. Just remember they won't be two forever!

10/27/2005 11:20 AM  

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