Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I don't have much affection for the tradition of making new year's resolutions, but I do make life goals from time to time, usually at the beginning of every new semester (as we have lived semesterly for our whole adult lives). And new years just happens to be (pretty much) the start of a new semester for us. So I don't know if you'd call them "resolutions," per se, but these are some of my hopes for my life habits forthcoming:

Eat more beans.

Drink at least 56 ounces of water every day.

Take the Beginning Swimming for Terrified Adults class that I couldn't get into last semester.

Spend at least an hour of focused time with Ava every day. Fill her days with fun things besides TV viewing.

Exercise for at least 25 minutes five days a week...and increase time once this becomes a habit.

Update blogs at least once a week.

Begin really FLYing. I can do it!

Get Ava's baby pictures in an album by the time we move, even if it's not modern "scrapbook" style. Just get them in there!!!

That's enough. :)


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