Thursday, February 08, 2007

Snow Angels and Happy Memories

There was an untouched blanket of snow near our apartment yesterday. We had pretty much destroyed the areas in front of our porch, but this area beside the building was still begging for attention. Begging me, in fact, for a snow angel. I don't know if I've ever made a snow angel before. I probably tried sometimes when I was little, but an inch of snow barely covers the grass, and that's hardly enough snow to make a good angel. So this was my chance. FLOP. Down I went. Hard. I felt like a kid again, swinging my arms and legs to and fro. Twenty years removed from my snow angel-making prime, it required some doing to get up without sabotaging my efforts! All morning I had been wondering why my back hurts so much today, and then it hit me. The ground. The ground is why my back hurts so much...but oh, what a snow angel! And this may be my last snow angel for a long, long time, so it was worth a few days of aching. There's something to be said for feeding one's spirit too.

Ava was disappointed that the snow wasn't right for making a snow man. And she didn't like riding the sled we ran out and bought the last time it was supposed to snow. So we made snow soup, and fruity bran muffins...and of course, snow angels. There was a whole choir of them by the time Ava got finished. :) The muffin tin was a hit. We could pack the snow well enough in the muffin tin to mold it, then put them in the (deck box) "oven" to cook. When the beeper beeped, we'd flip the tin on the sidewalk to dump the muffins out to cool, leaving little knobs of snow on the sidewalk. Ava promptly asked each time, "Mommy, can I smash 'em!?" I think stepping on the muffins was her favorite part of the day. (And maybe mine.) It was just irresistable to her. You could hear it in her voice.

Meanwhile, back on the hill... Britt was like a big kid going down our slope on the new sled. He was pleased with his tracks, and quite miffed when I ruined one of them, crashing right into the electrical box. It's harder to steer that thing than it looks! I much preferred riding with him. It was exhilarating! I loved it, but I decided he loved it more, so I should be the parent and play with Ava and let him go on his merry way, in search of an even better hill.

I'll miss the snow.


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