Monday, September 13, 2004

Weekend of nothings and somethings

What in the world am I doing typing a post at 1:08AM when I should already be in bed? This is ridiculous, but here I am nonetheless. [sigh...]

Don't you hate it when you realize you are in a bit of a hurry or what-not, and you find yourself typing really hard? It's like the computer equivalent to realizing you are talking too loudly to someone who is standing right in front of you. I hate when I do that. It usually happens when I've been around loud talkers for a while, so I assume their volume level even when it's unnecessarily loud.

The bathroom ceiling took to leaking this morning. Water just poured right in from the exhaust fan. Nice. Now there are substantial chunks of my wet ceiling out in the dumpster instead of covering the pipes. And mold. Did I mention mold?

The convertible car seat hooey that consumed my entire week has finally come to a close. Our trip to Richmond yesterday culminated in the purchase of Ava's brand new Britax Roundabout. Yes, we sprung for the top-of-the-line humdinger that is the Britax. We tried the others, but this one was the only way to go. After thorough research, it had come down to a mere three options, and the one I wanted to work out because of its great value price for the Britax-like features was just too darn heavy. That sucker weighs 30 pounds! There was no way I was schlepping that thing across the airport several times a year. So we finally broke the Christmas 2003 bank and bought the Britax. Ava was surprisingly excited about it! It was so fun listening to her celebrating back there! She's such an adaptable child that I figured she would hardly notice the switch, let alone care. But as soon as we put her in her new seat, she saw herself in her mirror (which is now rendered useless for the driver who can no longer see it) and just about squealed with glee! Her happy gyrations and extra jabbering indicate a favorable impression. Mama gets an A on the car seat purchase of 2004.

Today I was given an IKEA catalog. IKEA! I discovered how limitless are the IKEAn opportunities in budget home furnishing. As my cousin once succinctly described it, "IKEA...Swedish Goodness." He's right.


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