Christmas Surprise!
The last time I posted, I was sporting a giant pregnant belly and anxiously awaiting the birth of our second daughter. That was a year and a week ago. Miriam Adeline joined our family last year on Christmas day, of all days! And what a day it was. We woke up to discover that Santa had left Ava "even more than she asked for" and played for a while. Shortly after 8am, I declared that Britt and Ava should go make breakfast and I'd be there as soon as possible. Nestled in the recliner, I knew it would be a while before I could get in there to help. I wasn't feeling very well, but I didn't seem to be in labor.
Before I could even begin to hoist myself out of the recliner, I had my first contraction. I think it was around 8:15 or so. My contractions came fast and furious, just as they had with Ava. We all ate breakfast, and I insisted on taking a shower and getting ready for the long, exhausting day to come, while Britt helped Ava get dressed and "packed" for a day away from home and made necessary phone calls and preparations for the hospital trip.
We got to the hospital about 10am. I waddled and contracted my way from the parking garage to the maternity ward, panicking many a passerby. Ava was cool as a cucumber, reassuring everyone we encountered that "everything is normal...Mama is just having the baby today!" I loved having her with us. My labor was moving quickly, so they didn't dawdle about getting me settled and monitored. I was already about six centimeters when I got there. Gin and Nathan made it to the hospital in time to take Ava for the day. Gin stayed with me while Britt and Ava went down with Nathan to switch Ava's carseat to their car. I had a huge burst of progress while they were gone, and the doctor was called to come for my birth surprisingly soon after Gin, Nathan, and Ava left to have Christmas dinner with Gin's family. She immediately announced that as soon as she broke my water, we would have a baby. Sure enough, seven minutes later, Miriam was looking right at me and I at her, amazed that she had arrived so swiftly! What a birth!
Miriam Adeline was born on December 25, 2007, at 12:37pm. 7 lbs, 3 oz and 21 3/4 inches.
This was a family Christmas picture I never expected to take! Miriam wasn't expected until January.
Now she is a year old, almost toddling, and ever a delightful person. We are so glad she's come! Happy birthday, Miriam! What a wonderful Christmas present you were!