Sunday, November 21, 2004

Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean!

I was hopeful but skeptical when Ginger mentioned trying out the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser right after we moved here. We bought one package and each took one to try. Gin later reported that it worked for her, so I was looking forward to trying it out on Ava's crib, which was hopelessly scarred and marred by its neighboring contents on our moving truck. I never got around to working on the crib during Ava's waking hours, so before my in-laws came for a visit, I broke down and used it in the half bathroom that obviously needed a serious paint job before we moved into this apartment. It really does work! All the coffee-colored drippy-looking I-don't-even-want-to-know-what-caused-those nasty stains located all over the lower part of the wall next to the toilet are GONE. Banished. Eradicated. Magically erased. The product worked so well that I had to do the entire bathroom just so the walls wouldn't be two-toned. And they'll send you one free to try out if you visit the site! If I were the "Queen of Clean" I'd definitely stamp my seal of approval on this product!


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